For skill in letters he was famed;
In speech; he dukes and princes shamed;
Historians his merits tell;
Recorders say that he did well。
After wreaking his wrath on Kong Rong; Cao Cao issued the order to march。
Xun Yu was left in mand of the capital。
About this time the Imperial Protector of Jingzhou became seriously ill; and he summoned Liu Bei to his chamber。
Liu Bei went acpanied by his two brothers; Guan Yu and Zhang Fei; and Directing Instructor Zhuge Liang。
Liu Biao said; 〃The disease has attacked my very vitals; and my time is short。
I confide my orphans to your guardianship。
My sons is unfit to succeed to my place; and I pray you; my brother; administer the region after my death。
Liu Bei wept; saying; 〃I will do my utmost to help my nephews。
What else could I do; indeed?〃
Even at this moment came the news of the march of Cao Caos armies; and Liu Bei; taking hasty leave of his kinsman; was forced to hurry to his station。
The evil tidings aggravated the sick mans condition; and he began to make his last arrangements。
In his testament he appointed Liu Bei the guardian of his son Liu Qi; who was to succeed in the lordship。
This arrangement greatly angered his wife; Lady Cai。
She closed the inner doors against all and confided to her own partisans; of whom Cai Mao and Zhang Yun were her confidants; the keeping of the outer gates。
The heir was at Jiangxia; and he came to make filial inquiries as soon as his fathers condition became serious。
But Cai Mao refused him admittance and said; 〃Your father sent you to guard Jiangxia。
Such a very responsible post should by no means have been quitted without orders。
Suppose it was attacked; what might not happen? If your father sees you; he will be very angry; and it will make him worse。
That would be most undutiful; and you should return to your mand at once。
Liu Qi stood out for some time; but admittance was denied him in spite of his tears。
So he returned to his post。
Meanwhile Liu Biao rapidly grew worse。
He anxiously looked for his son; but Liu Qi came not。
Suddenly Liu Biao uttered piercing shrieks and then passed away。
When the Yuans were lords of the north;
And Liu Biao held the bank of the river;
It seemed; so strong were they both;
That they would endure forever。
But the family affairs troubled their states;
And; meddling; confusion made;
It was mournful indeed to see
How quickly the houses decayed。
So Imperial Protector Liu Biao died。