? Vanessa lamely backed away; trying to look repentant。
An aquamarine…speckled
parakeet squawked past her ear violently。
?I guess I was just making myself at home。
You know;
like you?d suggested。
?Well; there?s being a good guest and then there?s just plain intruding。
? Bailey frowned; hugging
his papers to his chest and shielding them from Vanessa?s view。
?You may go any…where in the
pound you likeexcept for the aviary。
This is my sacred space; dear。
I?m spiritually naked when
I step past those doors。
Well; as long as heliterally keeps his clothes on 。
?I?ll be more careful in the future;? Vanessa promised him; backing away slowly; still keeping
the camera out of sight behind her back。
?Yes; yes; I know you will;? Bailey replied; placing his papers back on the desk; but shielding
them with his chubby; outstretched arms。
?All is forgiven。
?Okay; well; I?ll just be going then。
? Vanessa turned quickly and started to bolt from the room。
? Bailey?s screech drove the birds into a frenzy。
Suddenly; hundreds of scared
starlings dashed for safety; darting up toward the ceiling as far as their crippled wings would take
?Yes?? Vanessa asked; still lamely trying to hide the camera with her hands。
?I…I…Is that a 。
camera ??
Brilliant observation。
?Bailey; let me explain。
? Vanessa?s felt her face flush。
无耻夏平,抢我秘籍,夺我丹药,夺我未婚妻,我和你不共戴天。 他是武道之耻,人类蛀虫,是人渣败类。 无恶不作,连三岁小儿的棒棒糖也抢,老人过马...
进入大宇宙时期的人类,在星空遭遇黑暗魔族,双方血战星空。 少年张远重生十年前,借游戏英雄加入星空战场,一代机甲剑神横空出世。新书最后一个炼金师已发。...