Decisions; decisions。
But Nate had his own plan。
He?d been going over it in his head for a couple of days now; ever
since Anthony told him to seize the day。
And know he knew what he wanted: an impromptu
summer cruise on his dad?s boat。
He could just picture it。
He?d navigate them out of the New
York harbor; the sun rising over the East River。
They?d head north; toward the Cape; and
eventually toward his parents? place in Mt。
Desert Island; Maine。
They?d spend the rest of the
summer lounging around on the sun…drenched deck in their underwear。
They?d dive overboard and
splash around in the cool water like kids。
They?d pull into small towns so he could stock up on
cigarettes and beer and Blair could buy magazines and whatever else she needed。
Then; when
they?d worked up an appetite from fishing or swimming or making love; he and Blair would raid
the fully stocked kitchen; eating artichoke hearts directly out of the jar with their fingers。
Forgetting about someone?
That was the summer he was supposed to be having; and at last; he was seizing the day。
The only
problem was; well 。
Never mind that he and Blair weren?t quite a couple again。
had ups and downs for as long as they?d known each other; but they always came back to the
same point: they were supposed to be together。
And that point was ing again。
That point was
无耻夏平,抢我秘籍,夺我丹药,夺我未婚妻,我和你不共戴天。 他是武道之耻,人类蛀虫,是人渣败类。 无恶不作,连三岁小儿的棒棒糖也抢,老人过马...
进入大宇宙时期的人类,在星空遭遇黑暗魔族,双方血战星空。 少年张远重生十年前,借游戏英雄加入星空战场,一代机甲剑神横空出世。新书最后一个炼金师已发。...