h for which he was severely punished。
Feng Li resented this; sneaked out of the city; went over to the besiegers; and told them how the place could be attacked。
〃The earth within the Pearly Gate is solid enough to be tunneled; and entrance can be effected there;〃 said the traitor。
So Feng Li was sent with three hundred men to carry out his plan under cover of darkness。
After Feng Li had deserted to the enemy; Shen Pei went every night to the wall to inspect the soldiers on duty。
The night of the sapping he went there as usual and saw that there were no lights outside the city and all was perfectly quiet。
So he said to himself; 〃Feng Li is certain to try to e into the city by an underground road。
Whereupon he ordered his troops to bring up stones and pile them on the cover of the tunnel opening。
The opening was stopped up and the attacking party perished in the tunnel they had excavated。
Cao Cao having failed in this attempt abandoned the scheme of underground attack。
He drew off the army to a place above the River Huan to await till Yuan Shang should return to relieve the city。
Yuan Shang heard of the defeat of Yin Kai and Ju Gu; and the siege of his own city; and bethought himself of relieving it。
One of his manders; Ma Yan; said; 〃The high road will surely be ambushed。
We must find some other way。
We can take a by…road from the West Hills and get through by River Fu; whence we can fall upon Cao Caos camp。
The plan was acceptable and Yuan Shang started off with the main body; Ma Yan and Zhang Zi being rear guard。
Cao Caos spies soon found out this move; and when they reported it; he said; 〃If Yuan Shang es by the high road; I shall have to keep out of the way; but if by the West Hills by…road; I can settle him in one battle。
And I think he will show a blaze as a signal to the besieged that they may make a sortie。
I shall prepare to attack both。
So Cao Cao made his preparations。
Now Yuan Shang went out by River Fu east toward Yangping; and near this he camped。
Thence to Yejun was five miles。
River Fu ran beside the camp。
He ordered his soldiers to collect firewood and grass ready for the blaze he intended to make at night as his signal。
He also sent Li Mu; a civil officer; disguised as an officer of Cao Caos army; to inform Shen Pei of his intentions。
Li Mu reached the city wall safely and called out to the guards to open。
Shen Pei recognized his voice and let him in。
Thus Shen Pei knew of the arrangements for his relief; and it was agreed that a blaze should be raised within the city so that the sortie could be simultaneous with Yuan Shangs attack。
Orders were given to collect inflammables。
Then said Li Mu; 〃As your food supply is short; it would be well for the old people; the feeble soldiers and the women to surrender。
This will e upon them as a surprise; and we will send the soldiers out behind them。
Shen Pei promised to do all this; and next day they hoisted on the wall a white flag with the words The populace of Jizhou surrender!
on it。
〃Ho ho!
This means no food;〃 said Cao Cao。
〃They are sending away the non…batants to escape feeding them。
一天晚上,家里来了一个面色惨白的神秘男人,第二天,妈妈竟然和神秘男人一起失踪了。我找遍屋子只找到妈妈留给我的一封信,信里妈妈竟然告诉我原来十七年前我已经死了。为了不让那些东西抓住我,我和我那不着调的大爷踏上了一段不着调的旅程。 诡异的昆仑山地下通道,传说中后羿的有穷国,尸海中恐怖的骷髅王。爸爸留下的秦国竹简又记载着什么,身为亡灵的我最终结局又将如何。 如果有喜欢的可以加我的群288415131 大家感觉不错和朋友宣传一下吧。 谢谢大家支持了。求支持,求月票,求收藏,求鲜花,求鲜花,求贵宾,求打赏。...
雨夜,她被抛弃的同时迎来了从未见过的痴情男子,只是当时,他痴情的并非是她。 几个月后,这个男人用一纸三十万的欠款单逼她成为他的妻,给他们陆家传宗接代。 天注定的命运,她怎么逃,好像也逃不过这男人的掌心。 嫁入豪门,谁都知道不容易,对她来说却是万万不易。 上有婆婆,下有小姑子,公司里还有个前任男友,打击接踵而至,她却在这打击中被男人越抓越牢,当她倾心相许,他却转身而去拥抱另外一个女子。 雪夜,她浑身是血倒在血泊,咬碎一口银牙,势要与他恩断义绝。 却在多年后,她亲昵的依偎在他弟弟怀里,当着陆家老小的面喊了他一声哥。 本以为千山万水情尽了,他却在此时乱了心智,把她抵在墙面咬着她的耳朵质问,沈漫,你到底有没有心! 有,只是 只是当初,我们都被命运欺骗了 瞬息白首,我们也早不是当初...