the illicit cruise he was about to undertake; but whatever the reason; Nate actually started to run;
dodging pedestrians and leaping over a low gate that separated the docks from the street。
rubber soles of his flip…flops thwacked noisily against the ashy wood slats of the dock。
His heart
was pounding in his ears: it was really; finally happening?the summer was beginning at last。
he and Blair stepped on board that boat; every…thing would change。
?Sir? Sir?? A uniformed dockhand was running down the pier toward Nate; waving his hands in
the air above his head like bees were attacking him。
?This is private property; sir; you?re going to
have to leave。
?I?m looking for my boat;? Nate explained; scanning the forest of masts for its familiar profile。
He?d helped his dad build the thing?he?d have known the boat anywhere。
around here somewhere。
I want to take her out。
?TheCharlotte? ? The dockhand?a college…age kid who seemed cool enough?stared at Nate;
clearly confused。
?The Archibald boat??
? Nate nodded; glancing behind him: Blair and Serena were perched on the security gate;
swinging their legs in the air and laughing at something。
?It?s my family?s boat。
Can you give me
the slip number??
?Sorry; man。
? The dockhand shook his head; slowly。
?She?s not here。
Captain Archibald sailed
up to Newport at the beginning of June?he told me he was planning on keeping her there for the
Nate frowned at the dockhand; then looked back at Blair once more。
She was kicking her
无耻夏平,抢我秘籍,夺我丹药,夺我未婚妻,我和你不共戴天。 他是武道之耻,人类蛀虫,是人渣败类。 无恶不作,连三岁小儿的棒棒糖也抢,老人过马...
进入大宇宙时期的人类,在星空遭遇黑暗魔族,双方血战星空。 少年张远重生十年前,借游戏英雄加入星空战场,一代机甲剑神横空出世。新书最后一个炼金师已发。...