Before long the man had reached the foot of the wall and called out; 〃Open the gate!
But the defenders would not open to an unknown man; and in the delay a crowd of rebels gathered round the rider along the edge of the moat。
Suddenly wheeling about; the warrior dashed in among them and bowled over a dozen at which the others fell back。
At this Kong Rong ordered the wardens to open the gates and let the stranger enter。
As soon as he was inside; he dismounted; laid aside his spear; ascended the wall; and made humble obeisance to the Governor。
〃My name is Taishi Ci; and I am from the county of Laihuang。
I only returned home yesterday from the north to see my mother; and then I heard that your city was in danger from a rebel attack。
My mother said you had been very kind to her and told me I should try to help。
So I set out all alone; and here I am。
This was cheering。
Kong Rong already knew Taishi Ci by reputation as a valiant fighting man; although they two had never met。
The son being far away from his home; Kong Rong had taken his mother; who dwelt a few miles from the city; under his especial protection and saw that she did not suffer from want。
This had won the old ladys heart and she had sent her son to show her gratitude。
Kong Rong showed his appreciation by treating his guest with the greatest respect; making him presents of clothing and armor; saddles and horses。
Presently said Taishi Ci; 〃Give me a thousand soldiers; and I will go out and drive off these fellows。
〃You are a bold warrior; but they are very numerous。
It is a serious matter to go out among them;〃 said Kong Rong。
〃My mother sent me because of your goodness to her。
How shall I be able to look her in the face if I do not raise the siege? I would prefer to conquer or perish。
〃I have heard Liu Bei is one of the heroes in the world。
If we could get his help; there would be no doubt of the result。
But there is no one to send。
〃I will go as soon as I have received your letter。
So Kong Rong wrote letters and gave them to his helper。
Taishi Ci put on his armor; mounted his steed; attached his bow and quiver to his girdle; took his spear in his hand; tied his packed haversack firmly to his saddle bow; and rode out at the city gate。
He went quite alone。
Along the moat a large party of the besiegers were gathered; and they came to intercept the solitary rider。
But Taishi Ci dashed in among them and cut down several and so finally fought his way through。
Guan Hai; hearing that a rider had left the city; guessed what his errand would be and followed Taishi Ci with a party of horsemen。
Guan Hai spread them out so that the messenger rider was entirely surrounded。
Then Taishi Ci laid aside his spear; took his bow; adjusted his arrows one by one and shot all round him。
And as a rider fell from his steed with every twang of Taishi Cis bowstring; the pursuers dared not close in。
一天晚上,家里来了一个面色惨白的神秘男人,第二天,妈妈竟然和神秘男人一起失踪了。我找遍屋子只找到妈妈留给我的一封信,信里妈妈竟然告诉我原来十七年前我已经死了。为了不让那些东西抓住我,我和我那不着调的大爷踏上了一段不着调的旅程。 诡异的昆仑山地下通道,传说中后羿的有穷国,尸海中恐怖的骷髅王。爸爸留下的秦国竹简又记载着什么,身为亡灵的我最终结局又将如何。 如果有喜欢的可以加我的群288415131 大家感觉不错和朋友宣传一下吧。 谢谢大家支持了。求支持,求月票,求收藏,求鲜花,求鲜花,求贵宾,求打赏。...
雨夜,她被抛弃的同时迎来了从未见过的痴情男子,只是当时,他痴情的并非是她。 几个月后,这个男人用一纸三十万的欠款单逼她成为他的妻,给他们陆家传宗接代。 天注定的命运,她怎么逃,好像也逃不过这男人的掌心。 嫁入豪门,谁都知道不容易,对她来说却是万万不易。 上有婆婆,下有小姑子,公司里还有个前任男友,打击接踵而至,她却在这打击中被男人越抓越牢,当她倾心相许,他却转身而去拥抱另外一个女子。 雪夜,她浑身是血倒在血泊,咬碎一口银牙,势要与他恩断义绝。 却在多年后,她亲昵的依偎在他弟弟怀里,当着陆家老小的面喊了他一声哥。 本以为千山万水情尽了,他却在此时乱了心智,把她抵在墙面咬着她的耳朵质问,沈漫,你到底有没有心! 有,只是 只是当初,我们都被命运欺骗了 瞬息白首,我们也早不是当初...