It was Saturday; but he still wore the same clothes he wore every weekday as a sophomore
at the St。
Jude?s School for Boys over on East End Avenue。
It was the unofficial Prince of the
Upper East Side uniform; the same uniform he and his classmates had been wearing since they?d
started nursery school together at Park Avenue Presbyterian。
Nate held out his hand to help Serena to her feet。
She frowned cautiously up at him; worried that
he was only faking her out and was about to tackle her again。
?I really am cold。
He flapped his hand at her impatiently。
?I know。
e on。
She snorted; pretended to pick her nose and wipe it on the seat of her snow…soaked dark denim
Earl jeans; then grabbed his hand with her faux…snotty one。
?Thanks; pal。
? She staggered to her
?You?re a real chum。
Nate led the way inside。
The backs of his pant legs were damp and she could see the outline of
his tighty…whiteys。
Really; how gay of him!
He held the glass…paned French doors open and stood
aside to let her pass。
Serena kicked off her baby blue Uggs and scuffed her bare; Urban Decay
Piggy Bank pink?toenailed feet down the long hall to the stately town house?s enormous; barely
used all…white Italian Modern kitchen。
Nate?s father was a former sea captain…turned…banker; and
his mother was a French society hostess。
They were basically never home; and when theywere
home; they were at the opera。
?Are you hungry?? Nate asked; following her。
无耻夏平,抢我秘籍,夺我丹药,夺我未婚妻,我和你不共戴天。 他是武道之耻,人类蛀虫,是人渣败类。 无恶不作,连三岁小儿的棒棒糖也抢,老人过马...
进入大宇宙时期的人类,在星空遭遇黑暗魔族,双方血战星空。 少年张远重生十年前,借游戏英雄加入星空战场,一代机甲剑神横空出世。新书最后一个炼金师已发。...