TO: Song of Myself
FROM: Greg P。
Re: Song of Myself?s Next Meeting!
Dear Friends;
I hope you enjoyed getting together as much as I did。
I?m happy to report that our first
get…together has already resulted in some burgeoning romances?a happy consequence of bringing
together so many like…minded creative individuals。
I hope we can continue to inspire and excite
one another at all ourmeetings!
For our next get…together; please bring along your favorite work of Shakespeare and we?ll take
turns reading aloud。
You show me yours and I?ll show you mine!
Yours in love and iambic pentameter;
on the road again
?Pull over!
?What?? The one disadvantage of his dad?s convertible was that it made having a conversation
while driving almost impossible。
Nate turned to see Blair frantically pointing at a sign announcing
one of those cheesy scenic overlooks where a couple of minivans were already parked along the
?You want me to stop?? Nate had already slowed and was pulling over。
He knew better than to
argue with Blair。
?It?ll be funny。
? Blair dug into her hastily packed Coach straw carryall and unearthed a digital
?I swiped it from Serena?s house。
I hope she?s not too pissed。
Nate frowned at the mention of Serena?s name。
He was still feeling a little guilty about sneaking
out of Serena?s place without saying goodbye?and on her birthday。
Blair had persuaded him that
Serena wouldn?t have wanted a morning wake…up call; birthday or no birthday; and chances were
she hadn?t gone to bed alone anyway。
无耻夏平,抢我秘籍,夺我丹药,夺我未婚妻,我和你不共戴天。 他是武道之耻,人类蛀虫,是人渣败类。 无恶不作,连三岁小儿的棒棒糖也抢,老人过马...
进入大宇宙时期的人类,在星空遭遇黑暗魔族,双方血战星空。 少年张远重生十年前,借游戏英雄加入星空战场,一代机甲剑神横空出世。新书最后一个炼金师已发。...