Just another day at the office。
Dear GG;
I know I should be out there at the beach with the rest of civilized society; but I?m unfortunately
trapped in the city forsummer school。
Who knew they were really so serious aboutthat whole
attendance policy thing? Anyway; I?m freaking dyingover here; it?s so hot。
?Sweltering in the City
Dear SITC;
Poor thing。
Sounds like you could use your own doppelganger right now!
But if that?s not an
option; here are some quick fixes to stay cool in the city:
1) Find your nearest rooftop pool。
If you don?t have a friend withher own (or if she?s out of town
too); try Soho House or theHotel Gansevoort。
If you?re really desperate; buy yourself a kiddie
pool; bring it up to your roof; and don?t forget the hundredbottles of Evian。
Now that?s what I call
a private party。
2) The AC at Barneys is to die for。
I suppose it isn?t terriblysunny; but if you?re trying on bikinis;
it?s almost like being at thebeach。
3) Three words: Tasti D…Lite。
(Or is that a two…word hyphenate?)Okay; so Tasti D is totally five
years ago; but you know you wantsomething cool and sweet。
And if you?re really not going
tomake it to the beach this summer; do me the favor of forgettingabout the calories and slurping up
some hazelnut gelato fromCones。
4) You did say you were in summer school; right? Um; hello;isn?t it airconditioned? If you don?t
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