


But there followed a terrific tempest; thunder; hail; and torrents of rain; lasting till midnight and working havoc on all sides。

 Two years later the earth quaked in Capital Luoyang; while along the coast a huge tidal wave rushed in which; in its recoil; swept away all the dwellers by the sea。

 Another evil omen was recorded ten years later; when the reign title was changed to Radiant Harmony (AD 178): Certain hens suddenly crowed。

 At the new moon of the sixth month; a long wreath of murky cloud wound its way into the Hall of Virtue; while in the following month a rainbow was seen in the Dragon Chamber。

 Away from the capital; a part of the Yuan Mountains collapsed; leaving a mighty rift in the flank。

Such were some of various omens。

 Emperor Ling; greatly moved by these signs of the displeasure of Heaven; issued an edict asking his ministers for an explanation of the calamities and marvels。

Court Counselor Cai Yong replied bluntly: 〃Falling rainbows and changes of fowls sexes are brought about by the interference of empresses and eunuchs in state affairs。

The Emperor read this memorial with deep sighs; and Chief Eunuch Cao Jie; from his place behind the throne; anxiously noted these signs of grief。

 An opportunity offering; Cao Jie informed his fellows; and a charge was trumped up against Cai Yong; who was driven from the court and forced to retire to his country house。

With this victory the eunuchs grew bolder。

 Ten of them; rivals in wickedness and associates in evil deeds; formed a powerful party known as the Ten Regular Attendants………Zhang Rang; Zhao Zhong; Cheng Kuang; Duan Gui; Feng Xu; Guo Sheng; Hou Lan; Jian Shuo; Cao Jie; and Xia Yun。

One of them; Zhang Rang; won such influence that he became the Emperors most honored and trusted adviser。

 The Emperor even called him 〃Foster Father〃。

 So the corrupt state administration went quickly from bad to worse; till the country was ripe for rebellion and buzzed with brigandage。

At this time in the county of Julu was a certain Zhang family; of whom three brothers bore the name of Zhang Jue; Zhang Ba; and Zhang Lian; respectively。

 The eldest Zhang Jue was an unclassed graduate; who devoted himself to medicine。

 One day; while culling simples in the woods; Zhang Jue met a venerable old gentleman with very bright; emerald eyes and fresh plexion; who walked with an oak…wood staff。

 The old man beckoned Zhang Jue into a cave and there gave him three volumes of The Book of Heaven 。

〃This book;〃 said the old gentleman; 〃is the Essential Arts of Peace 。

 With the aid of these volumes; you can convert the world and rescue humankind。

 But you must be single…minded; or; rest assured; you will greatly suffer。

With a humble obeisance; Zhang Jue took the book and asked the name of his benefactor。

〃I am Saint Hermit of the Southern Land;〃 was the reply; as the old gentleman disappeared in thin air。

Zhang Jue studied the wonderful book eagerly and strove day and night to reduce its precepts to practice。

 Before long; he could summon the winds and mand the rain; and he became known as the Mystic of the Way of Peace。

In the first month of the first year of Central Stability (AD 184); there was a terrible pestilence that ran throughout the land; whereupon Zhang Jue distributed charmed remedies to the afflicted。

 The godly medicines brought big successes; and soon he gained the tittle of the Wise and Worthy Master。

 He began to have a following of disciples whom he initiated into the mysteries and sent abroad throughout all the land。

 They; like their master; could write charms and recite formulas; and their fame increased his following。

Zhang Jue began to organize his disciples。

 He established thirty…six circuits; the larger with ten thousand or more members; the smaller with about half that number。

 Each circuit had its chief who took the military title of General。

 They talked wildly of the death of the blue heaven and the setting up of the golden one; they said a new cycle was beginning and would bring universal good fortune to all members; and they persuaded people to chalk the symbols for the first year of the new cycle on the main door of their dwellings。

With the growth of the number of his supporters grew also the ambition of Zhang Jue。

 The Wise and Worthy Master dreamed of empire。

 One of his partisans; Ma Yuanyi; was sent bearing gifts to gain the support of the eunuchs within the Palace。















一天晚上,家里来了一个面色惨白的神秘男人,第二天,妈妈竟然和神秘男人一起失踪了。我找遍屋子只找到妈妈留给我的一封信,信里妈妈竟然告诉我原来十七年前我已经死了。为了不让那些东西抓住我,我和我那不着调的大爷踏上了一段不着调的旅程。  诡异的昆仑山地下通道,传说中后羿的有穷国,尸海中恐怖的骷髅王。爸爸留下的秦国竹简又记载着什么,身为亡灵的我最终结局又将如何。  如果有喜欢的可以加我的群288415131 大家感觉不错和朋友宣传一下吧。  谢谢大家支持了。求支持,求月票,求收藏,求鲜花,求鲜花,求贵宾,求打赏。...



雨夜,她被抛弃的同时迎来了从未见过的痴情男子,只是当时,他痴情的并非是她。  几个月后,这个男人用一纸三十万的欠款单逼她成为他的妻,给他们陆家传宗接代。  天注定的命运,她怎么逃,好像也逃不过这男人的掌心。  嫁入豪门,谁都知道不容易,对她来说却是万万不易。  上有婆婆,下有小姑子,公司里还有个前任男友,打击接踵而至,她却在这打击中被男人越抓越牢,当她倾心相许,他却转身而去拥抱另外一个女子。  雪夜,她浑身是血倒在血泊,咬碎一口银牙,势要与他恩断义绝。  却在多年后,她亲昵的依偎在他弟弟怀里,当着陆家老小的面喊了他一声哥。  本以为千山万水情尽了,他却在此时乱了心智,把她抵在墙面咬着她的耳朵质问,沈漫,你到底有没有心!  有,只是  只是当初,我们都被命运欺骗了  瞬息白首,我们也早不是当初...
